How can I create a challenge.

The Challenge feature on the Eligence platform allows Health Professionals to easily create an exercise competition for groups of Beneficiaries. Users test their knowledge both individually and as a team. Participants are encouraged to practice, acquire new knowledge and skills, and achieve goals while fostering collaboration, communication, and a friendly competitive spirit. This approach enhances […]

Troubleshooting Guide for Eligence

Eligence offers exciting, graphically rich games that rely on WebGL 2.0 for rendering and require relatively modern devices for optimal performance. If you encounter any issues while running the games, this guide will help you troubleshoot and resolve them. System Requirements Before diving into troubleshooting, ensure your device meets these basic requirements: Step-by-Step Troubleshooting 1. […]

Word Chop

Στο παιχνίδι αυτό, ο στόχος σας είναι να ενώσετε κομμένα μέρη λέξεων για να σχηματίσετε την πλήρη λέξη. Κάθε λέξη έχει χωριστεί σε δύο τμήματα, και πρέπει να βρείτε τα σωστά κομμάτια και να τα συνδυάσετε.

How can I put my organisation’s logo on my profile?

In a user’s profile, whether it’s an Organization or a Health Professional, there is an option to add the company’s logo as well as its trade name. This allows for a personalized appearance, as all users, including the Beneficiaries, will see the logo of the organization they are connected to at the top left of […]

How can I follow the beneficiaries’ activity at a glance?

The Health Professional, once logged into the platform, i.e., on the homepage, has the ability to view aggregated statistical data with key information related to the platform’s usage by the Beneficiaries of the Organization. On a single screen, with quick and easy access, the data is presented in the form of graphs, allowing for easier […]

How can I monitor my organisation’s activity at a glance?

The Organization Owner, as well as the Administrator, once logged into the platform, i.e., on the homepage, have the ability to view statistical data with key information related to the platform’s usage by the Beneficiaries of their Organization. On a single screen, with quick and easy access, the data is presented in the form of […]

Test template

Ένας Επαγγελματίας Υγείας με την είσοδό του στην πλατφόρμα, επιλέγει από το βασικό μενού αριστερά το πεδίο Επωφελούμενοι.   Οι επωφελούμενοι χωρίζονται σε δυο (2) κατηγορίες:   Για τη δημιουργία λογαριασμού ενός Μέλους, ο επαγγελματίας υγείας, κλικάρει στο πεδίο αριστερά Επωφελούμενοι, στη συνέχεια Μέλη και επιλέγει το νέο πεδίο επάνω δεξιά Προσθήκη Μέλους. Βασική προϋπόθεση είναι ότι έχει δοθεί […]