What is a session?
A session is a sequence of exercises and activities in content (choice of games), order and level of difficulty per game, decided by the Health Professional for the needs of a specific Beneficiary. A session, assigned to you by the Health Professional, appears at the top of the screen immediately upon logging into Eligence. Sessions […]
Can I define the Activity Options framework of a beneficiary?
Activity Display Options Through Eligence platform, the health professional has the ability to create sessions of sequence of selected games in given variety and difficulty levels, based on the needs of each beneficiary. The health professional can adjust the use of games, meaning customise activity according to their person needs. They can specify individually for […]
Join the road

As you can see, the road that the car wants to cross has suffered quite some damage. Help repairing it by choosing the right section from the options on your right! Drag the part of the road to the right place! The speed is up to you!
Healthy foods
Certain foods will appear on your screen! A new screen will show you a selection of foods that are beneficial to our health. Click on the healthy foods and save the treats for the next kids’ party!
I forgot my username and password to login into the platform.
If you are a beneficiary and you do not remember the username and password originally given to you to log into the Eligence platform, you can contact the Organization or the Health Professional who has offered you the opportunity to use the platform. They will inform you of the username and you will be given […]
How can I login into the Eligence platform?
To log into the platform, it is necessary to already have an account. First, you log into the platform by clicking on the link: https://eligence.eu/portal/ You select the LOGIN field at the top right. Fill in the email or username in the first grey field, fill in the password in the second grey field then […]

In the game Mirror you will be shown a picture and its duplicate, placed side by side. Try to determine whether the images are the same and rotated, or mirrored and rotated.
In the Wind

In this game, you are asked to choose the right direction of the leaves. If they are orange, then swipe in the direction they are moving. If they are green, swipe in the direction they are pointing.
Color Trick

In this game, you must choose the color mentioned in the text, without letting that text’s color confuse you. Inhibitory control: It is the ability of people to inhibit or control impulsive (or automatic) responses and respond in a way that is effective for the circumstances. It is one of the executive abilities.
Join the Road

In this game you are asked to fill in any missing pieces of the route by dragging and dropping it in the right place.