
In this game, you’ll see several starfish on the beach, which you will have to remember. Then, you will have to select the starfish that appeared after the wave. 

Color Sequence

In this game, you must carefully observe the color sequence that will be presented to you and try to reproduce it.

Can I share my password with a friend?

While it’s true that we all want to share with our friends, especially something as enjoyable and useful as the Eligence platform, we would advise you not to do so! The special ingredient of this “recipe” is the personalized use of the platform. When you, and only you, are playing, the Health Professional who is […]

Can I change my personal details?

A Beneficiary is invited by an Organization to log into the Eligence platform. When they register, they are asked for various details which can then be processed once the registration is completed. Only the Beneficiary themselves can change the details of a profile. To change the details in your profile, you log into the platform, […]

I forgot my password. What can I do?

It is quite easy to forget your password and even easier to create a new one in order to complete your login to the platform. You can log into the platform from the link: You select the LOGIN field at the top right. Click on the Forgot Password? field. Enter the email you used […]

Do I need specific knowledge to use Eligence platform?

The short answer is no. The platform is designed to be easy and user-griendly, especially for those without experience in using electronic devices. The basic knowledge required is limited to turning in and oof your device, connecting to the internet and being able to handle a mouse or a touch screen. You may login from […]

How long is the ideal time to use the platform?

There is no ideal time to participate on the platform. Practicing cognitive skills through a cognitive enhancement program is best done at least 2 to 3 times a week. It is advisable for the Beneficiary to spend 30 to 45 minutes each time, concentrating on the exercises and activities of the platform. Don’t forget that […]

Can I generate an activity report for a Beneficiary?

A Health Professional can easily create a report with statistics that summarize the activity and performance of a Beneficiary. On the home page, select the Beneficiaries field from the menu on the left and then, the list of names appears. Select the name of the Beneficiary whose activity you want to study. In the user’s […]

What is a session? How do I play?

A session is a sequence of exercises and activities in content (choice of games), order and level of difficulty per game, decided by the Health Professional for the needs of a specific Beneficiary. A session, assigned to you by the Health Professional, appears at the top of the screen immediately upon logging into Eligence. To […]

Can I play any game I want?

As a Beneficiary, you can play any game available on the platform at any level you choose, with no limit on the selection, order or number of executions and games. Once your connection to the platform is established, you see all games in order, simply by scrolling up and down the dashboard respectively. When you […]