The assignment of a Questionnaire to a Beneficiary is carried out by the Health Professional depending on the type of Questionnaire you wish to assign.
To assign an template questionnaire, select Questionnaire Templates from the side menu on the left.
From the list of questionnaire templates that appears, you can view the content of each questionnaire by clicking on the name of the questionnaire that appears in the first list on the left. These questionnaires have been created by the Eligence platform partners.
The questionnaire entitled Introduction Test is the suggested questionnaire through which you can gather initial information about a beneficiary.
To complete the questionnaire, select the questionnaire and on the screen that appears, click on the Actions field, and select Assign.
In the new tab that appears, under the title List of beneficiaries you can select the beneficiary to whom you will assign the Questionnaire and finally Submit.
Once the assignment of the questionnaire is completed, the Beneficiary, upon logging into the platform, can view the Questionnaire and must complete this process before they can play any of the games available on the platform.
Once they have completed the Questionnaire, the games will appear again along with the option to select any game they wish.
As a Health Professional, when you want to read the Beneficiary’s answers, you select Beneficiaries from the menu on the left.
You then select the Beneficiary’s name and in the menu that appears, under the Beneficiary’s tab, select the Questionnaire field.
In the list that appears, select the corresponding evaluation, and click on the name of the questionnaire, or on the arrow under the column entitled Actions and select View.
The Questionnaire is displayed automatically with the questions and answers provided by the Beneficiary. In the tab that appears at the top of the screen you have the option to Export the Results by selecting the corresponding field on the right. The file with the questionnaire can be found in the Downloads folder on your computer.
This way you can either save it or print it. In addition, you are given the option, by clicking on the Notes field and then the Add Note field, to create a note that only you, the Health Professional, will see. You can then edit or delete this note whenever you wish by selecting the corresponding fields that appear on the right of the note.