A session is a sequence of exercises and activities in content (choice of games), order and level of difficulty per game, decided by the Health Professional for the needs of a specific Beneficiary.
A session, assigned to you by the Health Professional, appears at the top of the screen immediately upon logging into Eligence.
To play the games in the Session, at the beginning, select the Start Session field and in the new tab that appears, select Start now!.
To play the games in the Session, at the beginning, select the Start Session field and in the new tab that appears, select Start now!
The games are then displayed in the order and difficulty level selected by the Health Professional. Click on the image of the game that appears.
Immediately afterwards, you select the Continue field and the game starts.
On the screen, at the top left, 3 symbols are displayed.
By selecting this symbol (Pause), a new screen appears.
The options that are given to you are:
Selecting this field stops the game flow and you are back to the platform’s home page.
Selecting this field resumes your activity exactly where you left off.
Selecting this field starts this game from the beginning.
Selecting this field stops the game and shows you the next game of the session, as planned by the Health Professional.
Selecting the Skip field will show you the next game immediately following it, in the specified sequence, but will show it on subsequent times in the specified order.
You can start and play a session as many times as you wish.
When you want to continue a Session, or replay, you can simply select the Continue or Replay field respectively.
You, have the option to either start the Session, or play any of the games you see below. Unless the Health Professional assigned to you, has created a specific training schedule for you and the activity options chosen is training either through Sessions alone or only through free games.
In case a Session was assigned to you and is no longer displayed, it means that it has been deactivated by the Health Professional, but you will be assigned a new Session soon.
Based on the health professional’s choice, you have the possibility, when you log in to the platform, to see all the games available. In this case, you choose and play any of the games, as many times as you wish, at the level you choose.
If you need guidance, you can always contact the Health Professional and discuss your wish.