Basic functions for managing an Organization. 

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The Organization Owner is the only role with the ability to invite and add an Administrator to an Organization. 

The Owner, as well as the Administrator of the Organization have access to basic functions as to how to manage the Organization, through the main menu on the left in the System section. 

Among the available options there are: 

  1. Adding a new Administrator: by selecting the Administrators field and then the Add Organization Administrator, they fill in the email, select the suggested language and then Submit to complete the invitation. 
  1. Check Subscriptions: by selecting the Subscriptions field, the Administrator can get information about each subscription (active or inactive), detailed as to the number of Health Professionals and Beneficiaries available, costs, services as well as the duration of the subscription. 
  1. Edit Information: by selecting the Information field and then the Edit field, they can edit data concerning the Organization. 
  1. Enable/Disable Games: by selecting the Games field, the Administrator can enable or disable games of their choice. With this option, the access of all users of the Organization to the platform is automatically adjusted accordingly. Games that have been deactivated will not appear on the platform for Health Professionals or for Beneficiaries. 

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