How can I create a challenge.

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The Challenge feature on the Eligence platform allows Health Professionals to easily create an exercise competition for groups of Beneficiaries. Users test their knowledge both individually and as a team.

Participants are encouraged to practice, acquire new knowledge and skills, and achieve goals while fostering collaboration, communication, and a friendly competitive spirit. This approach enhances team cohesion with positive energy and a cheerful atmosphere.

Through Eligence, performance data is recorded and can be used to track progress and create future activities.

A challenge can only be created by the Health Professional in two ways:

  1. From the Events field

From the main menu, select Events, then Challenges

Click Add Challenge and follow the step-by-step instructions to complete the fields.

The process includes:

Challenge Info:

Enter the starting and ending days and times.


Select group members by clicking the + symbol next to their names. Visitors cannot participate as they lack independent access to the platform.


Assign the session participants will engage in. Predefined as a Template Session, it can be selected by clicking the + next to its name.


Add any additional information or instructions for the Challenge.


Review all details and finalize the process by selecting Create Challenge.

Challenges progress through three stages:

Upcoming, when it has been scheduled but not yet started.

In Progress, when it is Ongoing.

Completed, when its time duration has ended.

By clicking on Actions (the last column on the right):

  • with the selection of View Profile, a graph of the results is displayed.
  • with the selection of View Members, the list of individuals participating in the challenge is shown.
  • with the selection of Edit, you can modify key details of the challenge, such as the start and end date/time, provided the challenge has not yet started.
  • with the selection of Delete, you can delete the specific challenge. If the challenge has already been completed, the activity data will remain in each beneficiary’s activity records.

Monitoring a Challenge

When a challenge is either in progress or completed, the healthcare professional can easily click on the name of the challenge to view the results table. Additionally, there is an option for Challenge Monitoring on a large screen for enhanced visibility.

  • Creating a Challenge within Groups

From the main menu, select the Groups field and follow the process to create a new group or choose an existing group, depending on the requirements of each challenge.

Please note that Beneficiary-Guests cannot participate in challenges, as they do not have the ability to independently log in to the platform.

After completing all the required fields and creating a new group or selecting an existing one, the Challenges option appears in the group menu.

The process of creating a challenge includes the following steps:

Challenge Information:

Enter the Start Date and Time and then the End Date and Time.


Select the members of the group who will participate in the challenge by clicking the “+” symbol to the right of the name. Beneficiaries-Visitors cannot participate in Challenges because they do not have the ability to connect independently to the platform.


Define the session in which participants will be active. The session, a sequence of games in a selected order and levels of difficulty, must be pre-created as a Template Session. It is selected with the “+” symbol to the right of the name.


Enter any additional information or instructions related to the challenge.


Check all the details and complete the process of creating the challenge by selecting the Create Challenge field.

Challenge Monitoring

When the challenge is ongoing or has been completed, the health professional can easily, by clicking the name of the challenge, view the results table, with the possibility of Monitoring the Challenge on a new large screen.

Options for Participants

With a beneficiary’s connection to the platform, the Challenge they will participate in automatically appears. More specifically, there are the following options:

Participation in an active challenge:

When the scheduled start time arrives, participants can select the “Participate in the challenge” field. They are then entered into the challenge environment that is in progress. Upon completion of the duration as set by the Health Professional, the activity will automatically stop.

View previous competition

On the same day, they can choose to View Challenge, where the games that had been included will appear.

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