Scheduled Downtime, Thursday May 30, 15.00 CET to 20.00 CET.
Eligence platform will be unavailable due to scheduled upgrading. Please refrain from any activity during this period.
Thank you for understanding.
Welcome to “Eligence”. “Eligence” (hereinafter referred to as “Service”) is a web-platform with specialized content (games) aiming to reinforce mental capabilities and cognitive function. Together with health professionals it can provide exercises to people at the early stages of dementia, as well as for logotherapy or ergotherapy purposes.
Please read and understand these Terms (the “Terms”) before using this Service. By using this Service, you accept and agree to be bound and abide by the following Terms. If you do not agree with these Terms, you should not access or use this Service.
Users are individuals who uses and operates the Service.
To make use of the service you have to 1) be an adult with full legal capacity, or 2) a minor (<18 years old) who has obtained written consent by your parent or legal guardian, or 3) if you lack full legal capacity to have/produce the approval of your legal guardian.
“Eligence” reserves the right to change, edit, or delete any documents, information, or other content appearing on these Terms from time to time without notice and in its sole discretion. All changes are effective immediately when posted and apply to all access to, and use of, this Service thereafter. Every time you wish to use the Service, please review these Terms to ensure that you understand the terms that may apply to you at that time.
This Service is operated by “Maggioli SPA – Greek Branch” (“Provider”) on resources provided by Maggioli. Elements of the Service (“Service Elements”), such as technology, algorithms, documents, data, other services, processes and other resources, may have been or may be currently provided by the Provider or by third parties (“Other Providers”). The Provider and Other Providers shall be collectively called “Providers”.
The Service itself, as well as any data or information or other elements that may become accessible through the Service, are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. The Provider puts effort to ensure the accuracy, completeness or authenticity of the processes, data and information managed and provided by the Service.
The Provider reserves the right to alter, limit or discontinue any part of this Service at its discretion. The same applies to Other Providers, unless otherwise explicitly declared.
The Provider does not claim any ownership and does not undertake any responsibility on data, information, content, comments, code, processes, or other elements uploaded or embedded into the Service by other Users, if such functionalities are offered by the Service. The Users are responsible for protecting their assets and personal data from any such Element present in the Service.
To the best of Provider’s intention reasonable security measures consistent with practice applicable to the domain of Service operation are applied to protect sensitive information under its control against loss, misuse, and alteration. However, the Provider cannot guarantee the security of physical locations, the hardware, software and networks, the means by which sensitive information is handled and transmitted between computers and applications, or any sensitive information that may be received through or in connection with the Service.
The Provider reserves all rights of the elements it provides.
Elements of the Service (“Service Elements”) have been provided by third parties (“Other Providers”) without restrictions of rights.
The GODOT software is provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damage, or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.
Users granted access via the process established by the Provider, are licensed to use of the Service under the terms of the license.
The Provider grants license to use this Service freely to its Users, under the terms of this document. Access to the Service though may be limited due to availability of underlying resources. The Provider may revoke this License or change its terms at its own discretion without prior notice to the Users. It is to the best of Provider’s intention to try to timely inform Users accessing the Service before such an action, however this is not guaranteed.
Users are required to make a clear reference to the Service use for any products or services that may be created on top of results or use of this Service.
At any time and without prior notice, the Provider may limit access to the Service to any person, geographic area, or jurisdiction that the Provider chooses, at Provider’s sole discretion.
The Provider does not represent or warrant that the Service is appropriate or available for use in any particular jurisdiction. Users who subscribe to the Service do so on their own initiative and at their own risk, and are responsible for complying with all local laws, rules, and regulations that apply to them.
By using the Service, the User agrees to all terms of the “Terms of Use” document as this may be formed and applies at any point in time.
By using the Service, the Users agree that they are entitled to use the Service under the terms presented by the Provider upon request for access to the Service or as those may be presented explicitly in the section of the document “License”.
Under no circumstances shall a User use the Service for conducting any malicious activity, which may indicatively and not exclusively refer to: access to or exposure of personal or confidential data of other parties or Users, delivery of malicious code to other Users or systems, intentional overloading of Service or Providers’ resources, any action causing denial-of-service for the Service or any third party service or resource, impersonation of Provider, its personnel or any Users, inflict impact on financial or social status of Provider, its personnel or Users etc.
The User commits to use resources provided by the Service, and the Service itself for no other reason and by no other means than the ones intended by the Service. In case of uncertainty of the validity of a use, the User commits to request further information from the Provider before performing such a use.
The Users commit to promptly inform the Provider about any vulnerabilities or issues they have identified or have been informed about, during the use of the Service.
The Users commit to promptly inform the Provider of any malicious, or otherwise inappropriate data, information, comments, code, processes, or other element made available on the Service that they become aware off.
The Users are responsible for managing their own credentials and the safety of his/her account. The Users shall notify the Provider as soon as they become aware of unauthorized use of their account.
The Provider reserves the right to take any legal action upon Service misuse to protect the interests of itself as well as of its Users. The Provider may proactively terminate a User’s account and associated access to the Service without any warning, to prevent the Service, its resources or other Users from suspected erroneous or malicious actions from the User or anyone impersonating the User.
The Provider may alter the “Terms of Use” of the Service, without prior notice. It is to the best of the Provider’s intentions to notify the User for essential changes in this document or documents that that may be addressed by it, however this is not guaranteed.
The User will be held liable for compensating the Provider if any claims to the Provider rise from breaching any term of this “Terms of Use” document by the User. Such compensation may include and is not limited to penalties that may apply, third party damage claims, Provider’s ethical and financial damage, Provider’s effort and legal expenses and any other related costs.
If any part of this “Terms of Use” document is ineffective for any reason (e.g. unlawful or overridden by other document), the rest of the agreement remains valid excluding the ineffective part.
This “Terms of Use” document is between the Provider and the User and under no circumstances may it be transferred to any third party by the User.
Neither the User nor the Provider may be held liable for any breach of the terms of this License occurring due to conditions outside their respective reasonable control (“Force Majeure”).
The Provider may refrain from exercising rights of this “Terms of Use” document for any reason the Provider may choose, at any situation and point in time. This shall not be assumed as a withdrawal from the right to exercise its respective rights in the future for the same, similar or different cases.
Your access or use of the Service or/and any resource provided by or accessed through it, in any way signifies that you have read, understood and agreed to be bound by the terms of this document.
Eligence platform will be unavailable due to scheduled upgrading. Please refrain from any activity during this period.
Thank you for understanding.